ULM training with housing in a mobile home
TEL : +33-6-07-42-95-53
ULM training with housing
Grass runway : 650 m
Asphalt runway : 1500 m (on adjacent Motor circuit)
20 Mi (30 Km) from Moulins, 21 Mi(35 Km) from Nevers
Provide sheets and towels.
Training on grass runway or asphalt. The 10H and 5H formulas can lead to a complete training up to the ULM pilot's licence as well as a assistance for theory help.
For already licensed pilots, an instructor-led training is planned before they are authorized for solo flight.
For beginners a certificate of no contraindication must be issued by a doctor, insurance is taken care of by the club.
Hours can also be consumed by non-pilot accompanying persons.

Formula N° 1
10 hours of flight with instructor and support for theory (for beginners), spread over a
week depending on the availability of the instructor and the weather.
Included are: club membership,
housing (up to 6 people) and flight hours, a total of : 1180€

Formula N° 2
5 hours flight and housing on a weekend (2 nights) or weekdays. Package + club dues, a total of : 600€
3 hours from Paris, ideal for an unusual weekend.
In the heart of "Bourbonnais" country and ideally placed next to the famous "Street Art City" of Lurcy Lévis and its racing circuit.
Unused hours for weather reasons will be refunded at 80 euros or may be carried over to another period.
Any other formula can be considered; contact one of the members of the association
Our President : Gérard Bourgoignon : +33-6-07-42-95-53